The “ Heartbleed ” Effect

The last several days some T1 customers experienced intermittent connectivity issues with their circuits. This problem was not unique to IPitimi. Since the revelation of the recent “ Heartbleed Virus”, internet networks everywhere have had the SSL port 443 scanned by corrupted devices searching for security breaches that are also compromised. Network firewalls, doing their job responded by blocking these requests,  but the amount/quantity of the network attacks caused some to need to be restarted when the log files filled to

Rest assured, we have confirmed that none of our customer’s private information or networks were compromised, but you might have felt the pain of this unfortunate attack, as did many around the country. Once this was identified, our network engineers disabled the SSH port altogether as well as changed all passwords to be safe and add an extra measure of security. IPitimi has advanced network monitoring available that includes bandwidth utilization reports etc. if it is of interest.

While no one can ever anticipate these types of disruptions, because of IPitimi’s commitment to exceptional service and support, we have put measures in place to ensure this type of event is minimized in the future. We know you put your faith in us to provide excellent service and complete security, and we hold that as our highest priority. We can consult with you if desired, to help you maximize your own security and network objectives. IPitimi is here to support you!